
CNDSD and IVAN ABREU, (México)

Artwork description

AUTOCONSTRUCCION is a live coded audiovisual concert using video game animations guided by algorithmic music. The AV concert narrates with fictions of speculative architecture, the phenomenon of informal housing in countries like Mexico, the United States, Latin America, Asia, India and some European peripheries. We are interested in the ability of writing and live editing (coding) to enunciate, create and tell audiovisual stories in a liquid and granular way.

In this piece of digital art, we explore the creation of collaborative imaginary 3D scenarios through machine learning.

We use large image data sets to visually synthesize a global phenomenon.

To avoid the biases of the internet and reflect the reality of peripheries and large cities, we create a personalized dataset that represents the dreams and desires of non-architects. Resulting in a unique form of digital crossbreeding.

We also created a dictionary of terms to visualize musical composition with 3D video game environments through live coding; allowing us to hybridize cinematographic language with sound patterns, obtaining as a result an extreme audiovisual synesthesia. We define the previously described process as live cinema coding.

Partners and collaborators

Original artwork by
CNDSD (Malitzin Cortes) & Ivan Abreu
Lead Programmer
Ivan Abreu
Music and Sound Design
CNDSD, Mariana Mena
3D Modeling, Texture and CGI Art
CNDSD, Amuleto Studio, Mariana Mena
Procedural and real time animation
Ivan Abreu, CNDSD, Mariana Mena

Support received from

The ZKM | Center for Art and Media, On-the-fly, Performing art and a creative technique centered in writing computer programs in real time.


Proof of War