Imagining terrains

Si Yi Shen

Artwork Description:

Embark on a transformative journey through the lens of Imagining Terrains, a moving images that transcends the boundaries of identity and place. An outcome from a creative research residency, I explored diasporic experience through non-verbal communication by temporarily migrating to the Australian outback - Broken Hill. Comprising two interconnected narratives, this work delves into the present and envisions the future landscape of the Australian outback through the lens of a new migrant as I assimilated into the community.

The essence of the work lies in the meticulous collection, interpretation, and remixing of diverse elements, responding to themes of belonging, place, and identity. As a mosaic of fragmented moments, Imagining Terrains stitches together more than 10,000 layers. Among these layers are still images, videos, audios, 3D scans, and the artist's own drawings, as well as contributions from the community—an inclusive narrative reflecting the myriad perspectives that converge into a melting pot. The work is designed to be a large-scale projection, stands as a larger-than-life testament to the artist's experiences, appearing in a perpetual state of vibrant flux. The ever-changing tableau mirrors the artist's dynamic encounter with Broken Hill, capturing the essence of countless conversations with both longstanding residents and newcomers. The work becomes a living archive, embodying not only the artist's memories but also the collective memories, attitudes, and aspirations of the community—a vivid tapestry of Broken Hill as a lived experience.


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