Every Room is an Elevator

Sky Ainsbury

Artwork Description:

EVERY ROOM IS AN ELEVATOR An immersive video project by Sky Ainsbury Extended phenotype: The premise that a species’ artefacts and environmental effects are an expression of underlying genetic systems according to which we might imagine the city to be a biological process, an emergent phenomenon. This piece, my degree show for an MA in Computational Art at Goldsmiths, combines procedural growth algorithms in Houdini with animation in Stable Diffusion to explore the idea of organic cities; cities which flow and evolve like cells, plants, or mycelial networks. The piece was projected in Goldsmith’s G05 immersive video room, on a canvas of 5 projectors across 3 walls, and utilises this space to create a sense of being in and among the shifting blocks of a fluid, impermanent city. As a multi-screen installation, it's hard to represent with a single video link, however I've included both the central, focal-point screen, a mocked up 3D representation of the presentation, and documentation of the project in-situ, in this document here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/cqp0p0ws3la5qgd7n3bpo/AHXcoinyQrJJSFLfewmGw0k?rlkey=g3ywtcphm5uz4i675fuetwfk4&dl=0


We Are Only Moving Towards Each Other