2024 Futures Award Finalists

2024 Futures Award Finalist Natasha Stone 2024 Futures Award Finalist Natasha Stone

Still Remember

Still Remember

"Still Remember" a relational art uses smart contracts. Participants mint the work by sharing memories as emojis, receiving a fragment of the artist's memory. The image degrades over time, requiring active engagement to preserve it, symbolizing the ephemeral nature of memory.

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2024 Futures Award Finalist Natasha Stone 2024 Futures Award Finalist Natasha Stone

Catalog for the Post-Human

Catalog for the Post-Human
Parsons & Charlesworth

Catalog for the Post-Human is a satirical multimedia installation featuring 10 sculptural works and animations mimicking a near-future organization’s trade fair booth. The work critiques late capitalism's role in creating ethically questionable workplace enhancement products.

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2024 Futures Award Finalist Natasha Stone 2024 Futures Award Finalist Natasha Stone

Synchronization Station

Synchronization Station
Allen Riley

Synchronization Station is a participatory performance about mediated intimacy that uses analog video mixing as a counterpoint to everyday communication technologies. It explores human connection from the vantage point of an otherworldly human-computer interaction demonstration.

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2024 Futures Award Finalist Natasha Stone 2024 Futures Award Finalist Natasha Stone

AI Nüshu

AI Nüshu

Can AI learn from ancient Chinese women and create their own secret language? "AI Nüshu," an interactive art project that merges computational linguistics with the legacy of Nüshu, a unique language created and used exclusively by women in China.

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