2024 Still Image Finalists

2024 Still Image Award Finalist Natasha Stone 2024 Still Image Award Finalist Natasha Stone


Alex Estorick and Ana María Caballero

A long-form generative AI project that imagines a new token economy where both image and coinage challenge tired histories. This collection of 100 editions sold out promptly and was subsequently named as one of artnet's artworks of the year for 2023.

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2024 Still Image Award Finalist Natasha Stone 2024 Still Image Award Finalist Natasha Stone

Being Borges

Being Borges
Ana María Caballero

Being Borges is a poetic and (post)photographic recasting of Jorge Luis Borges and Margarita Guerrero’s "The Book of Imaginary Being," a landmark work of Spanish literature. This twelve-part series begs the question: what's at stake when language becomes literal via the visual?

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2024 Still Image Award Finalist Natasha Stone 2024 Still Image Award Finalist Natasha Stone


Ana María Caballero

Paperwork is a performance-based, long-form generative AI collection of digital paper sculptures carved from individual emotional responses to the live poetry of Ana María Caballero. It celebrates the renewed cultural currency afforded to poetry via blockchain provenance.

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2024 Still Image Award Finalist Natasha Stone 2024 Still Image Award Finalist Natasha Stone

Blind Camera

Blind Camera
Diego Trujillo Pisanty

Blind Camera creates images using sound instead of light while inquiring about bias in AI. The device uses a custom-made artificial neural network to convert sound into image. It was trained with data from Mexico City restricting its interpretations of the world to this locale.

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2024 Still Image Award Finalist Natasha Stone 2024 Still Image Award Finalist Natasha Stone


Emily Xie

An code-based series exploring textiles, and the relationship between the computational and handmade through a distinctive patchwork style. The algorithm gives rise to creature-like forms in order to embody the narrative elements so integral to the tradition of quilt-making.

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